Buy It For Life

Buy It For Life

Buy it for life. Buy once, buy well. Investment piece. It comes by many names, but boils down to the same idea. Why Buy It for Life? As a household of ten, we are, by both necessity and nature, frugal. Often, this means not buying the cheapest option, but investing in...
Hiking with Leather Adventure Bags

Hiking with Leather Adventure Bags

Let’s find some adventure with Leather Adventure Bags! We are all meant to be naturalists, each to his own degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of the plant and animal life and to care for none of these things. ~Charlotte Mason...

Knee Deep in Curriculum

The school year is approaching and, as typical, I am scrambling on just about every front.  We have part of our clan in Catholic school and the others are homeschooled, which mean we have just about every brand of crazy with which to contend. We take schooling on a...