How to Make a Nature Journal for Your Adventure Bag

by | Jun 30, 2018

The kids went to an outdoor event a couple years ago and came home with the most fantastic nature journals for their Adventure Bags! They were made with typical household items, plus a stick they’d found. It was so cute and so easy.

I thought I’d write it all out to share with others, but also to encourage us to recreate the project at home. This is a perfect project for a rainy summer day or to ease into your new school year.



copy paper (water color paper would also work and make a lovely book OR download one of our Adventure Logs to create a journal)

brown paper grocery bag

rubber band

small stick, about 6-7 inches long


Hole Punch or Awl

Decorating Options:


Nature Magazine to cut and paste pictures

Scrap Fabric


Cut 3 pieces of copy paper in half, so you have six sheets. Fold in half, so you have a little booklet.


Cut a piece of the paper sack about half an inch larger than the cut copy paper. Fold in half.


Decorate the front of the brown paper with markers, pictures from a magazine, or fabric scraps. Label it as a “Nature Journal” and put the date somewhere, so you’ll always remember when you made and recorded your nature findings.



Now put the copy paper into the folded brown paper. With the hole punch or awl, put a hole about an inch from the top, along the fold and another an inch from the bottom, along the fold.

Thread the rubber band through the top hole, along the inside of the booklet, and out the bottom hole. Put the stick through the rubber band at both the top and the bottom to secure everything.



Now tuck it into your adventure bag, along with your colored pencils or water colors and you’re ready for your next adventure!

Make A Nature Journal with Kids

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About The Author: Sarah Antonio

Keeper of all the adventure gear, provisions, and abandoned shoes, I’m the one who brings our adventure to you.


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